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Have your say: Do you think mobile phones should be banned in schools?

On Wednesday, Minister for Education Normal Foley told The Irish Times that she plans to ban mobile phones from all second-level schools in response to research which links use of devices to student distraction and cyberbullying.
While most second level schools either restrict the use of mobile phones or oblige students to place them in lockers, Foley said she was convinced a wider ban was the best way forward.
We’d like to hear what you think about the plans. Do you think phones should be banned across all schools? Is a complete ban too extreme of a measure, given most schools already have regulations in place?
If you are a parent or a student have you experienced negative effects from phones being allowed in school such as distraction or cyberbullying? If you are a teacher, do you regularly find classes disrupted by phones?
The Minister pointed to progress made by primary schools and parents’ associations to make childhood “smartphone-free” by introducing voluntary bans outside school time in recent years. As a primary school parent or teacher have you found this to be the case?
You can let us know what you think using the form below. Please limit your submissions to 400 words or less. Please include a phone number for verification purposes only. If you would prefer to remain anonymous, please indicate this in your submission – we will keep your name and contact details confidential.
We will curate a selection of submissions for an article but please note we may not publish every submission we receive.
